Sunday, April 19, 2009

"We need two T.V.s"

As many things as John and I can agree on, what we watch on t.v. is not one of them. I will admit that this has been a problem for a little while now, but we have been forging through thanks to our DVR. We have learned to humor the other as long as possible, but there are just some things that John will not watch and tonight I learned that there is at least one thing that I will not watch. John HATES reality t.v. while I watch a great deal of it: American Idol, The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway, Top Chef... I know I'm missing some. John watches anything on the history channel, Mythbusters, shows about big machines, shows about blowing things up, Nascar, American Dad, King of the Hill, Family Guy, and the Simpsons. I enjoy the cartoons to a certain extent, and I like Nascar now that I have a couple of favorite drivers, and have a prettygood understanding of the sport, but sometimes I hit my limit and cannot watch another show that makes fun of everything. Tonight a new show premiered after the Simpsons, something called "Sit Down Shut Up." Its set in a high school and makes fun of high school teachers and administration (or at least it did for the grand total of 15 min. that I could stand it). I know you think I didn't like it due to the subject matter, but really, that had nothing to do with it. I didn't like the fact that the humor was low and I thought of it as kinda lame, not funny at all. John, however, thinks it has potential and wants to see if it will get better. See where we hit a disconnect?

I know you are thinking, "no big deal." Especially since John voluntarily leaves the room so that I can watch whatever I want. The problem? My love language is primarily Quality Time so when John leaves, I almost take it personally. I don't even want to watch the show anymore and become worried that John is mad, then angry that he won't just sit and hang out with me while I watch it, especially since I do a great deal of that for John. Only this most recent show has truly turned my stomach enough to make me want to get up and leave. Seems petty... I want to have my cake and eat it too. But there is hope. John says there is an Asian inventor that has developed a T.V. that shows a different picture depending on where you are sitting. All you need is some ear phones so that you hear only your sound. Sounds great, depending on how far apart we have to sit. Plus it feels like we are still separated, even though we will be sitting in the same room. I guess nothing is perfect. Any ideas? And don't worry... my marriage is not in trouble (mom).

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